Sunday, July 31, 2011

Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon Movie Review

Awhile ago, I was channel flipping on the TV and I came across a movie on Sci-Fi (now known as SyFy) channel under its original release called "Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon." I thought on first glance that it was another film made by The Asylum studios for direct to TV and DVD, but after doing a little digging, I later found out that it was an original in studio film by Sci Fi.

The film cast includes Marc Menard, Carly Pope, Adam O' Byrne, Elfina Luk, Brandon Jay McLaren, and Taras Kostyuk as the monster (Yeti). Upon first appearance viewers may get a sense that this film has a feel to one of those old, campy horror films from the 80's. The kind where you would have the typical group of young kids or adults in a situation where they would have to find a way to survive in the wilderness facing not only the elements, but an unknown monster or force that slowly picks them off one by one, and this is all done in a campy like nature; and this film is no exception.

Our story begins where an American college football team on a plane trip survives a horrific plane crash in the Himalayas. The few remaining survivors are forced to camp out in the wreckage of the plane while waiting for help and relying on whatever they can find to stay alive. As the days past, one of the survivors, Sarah (Pope) notices that the remaining corpses from the wreckage have been mysterious vanishing. As the movie progress, we soon see hope dwindling for the survivors. Food soon runs out as the group may have to resort to cannibalism while the yeti closes in on the group and rescuers are in a frantic search for the wreckage of the down plane.

While this one is of course and in-house film from Sci-Fi and uses some stock plot devices and special effects, this film did however seem to have a feel of just left your mind run with the madness of the situation here. One thumbs up I have to give would be to the costume and make up for the Yeti design as it did look like some work went into designing a scary monster (mainly the head) rather than going straight to a computer to build the monster form wire frame scratch.

While this film was intended as a horror film, this was more of a fun movie where you and a few of your friends would gather around the TV and just have fun with the movie by having a loud conversation on who was going to go next, why would an American college football team would be flying over Tibet, who do you think is going to walk away at the end. In short, if you don't take this film seriously and just have your mind roll with the story, you may get some laughs with this film instead of having trouble getting some sleep after viewing this late at night.

Final Verdict: 2.5 out of 5 stars.

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